Mauricio is a web developer at Agaric. He is passionate about Drupal, ReactJS, teaching and traveling. He blogs at https://understanddrupal.com/ in English, Spanish, and French. He is also very active in his local community Nicaragua where he serves as the lead organizer. As such, he co-organizes regular meetups, Global Training Days, Global Sprint Weekends, and other events.
Drupal 9 is out! Learn to use the Migrate API to upgrade your Drupal 6/7 site to Drupal 8/9. In this training we will teach you what tools are available to accomplish the task and how to use them. You will also learn how to plan and execute successful upgrade projects. The examples include how to perform changes in content architecture between the sites. Migration of different field types will be presented.
Learning Objectives
Understand the different approaches to upgrading your site to Drupal 9 using the Migrate API.
Learn to plan and execute migration projects.
Revise site architecture and map configuration from the previous site to the new one (content types, fields, etc).
Target Audience
Individuals and organizations who want to upgrade their Drupal 6/7 sites to Drupal 8/9. They will learn about the workflow and thought process to execute a successful upgrade project.
To get the most out of this training, attendees should be familiar with Migrate API concepts. You can learn about them at understanddrupal.com/31-days-of-migrations You can also have a look at this video for an overview of the Migrate API.